Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th August 2024


MBCL Files
Emily Boucher is organizing the remaining documents to go to the Council Depot to be offered to Melbourne Water and Parks Victoria

Kingston Council Update including Foreshore & Bushland

Team Leader Bushland & Foreshore Paul Sandells attended and reported to us. He is on a short term contract until the end of the year. He recently worked on Phillip Island as Chief Operations Officer working with and educating the Community. Worked with local indigenous groups.
Spoke highly of his new team. Impressed by the recent plant give away and the Gardens for Wildlife Program. National Tree Day saw a lot of planting by community groups.

  • Draft of Biodiversity Strategy to be released in September. Opportunity to get the big picture.
  • Open space management needs to go beyond Council.
  • Environment Education Centre to be developed by 2029.
  • Three golf courses are to be supported in their biodiversity.
  • Hopes that the Horticulture team will provide proper care for remnant vegetation.
  • Are Environmental Management Plans needed for recreational reserves? Many reserves are multifunctional and therefore many interest groups.
  • Wild life cameras in Bradshaw Bushland Reserves are being rotated to gain a better snapshot.
  • Team leaders are Rachel Devlin (Bushland) and Luke Kapatini (Foreshore)
  • Wayne asked about the plantings on Lambert Island
  • Penny’s concerns about tree planting at foreshore car parks was raised
  • Travis was concerned about Avian Bird Flu. Is there a plan of action if affected birds are seen?

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th February 2018

Mordialloc Creek

Well! After all the sturm and drang over over the Pompeii Landing on the bank of the creek is seems that the current occupant will be offered a nine year lease by Council so that work can continue providing a launching ramp for small boat owners. The land is dispute is a small area of Crown Land. The Mordialloc Fishing & Boating Club will also use this site.

Commercial Developments

Two developments are being planned for Main Street – partial demolition of Mordialloc Hotel and 26 units for the car park went to mediation last month. As did the Grocery Store, a shop with goods too expensive to succeed in Main Street. This shop is to become an up-market cocktail bar. Parking, already a problem in the shopping centre was a concern for objectors.

Mordialloc Bypass

A meeting was held at Waterways cafe 24 February to learn how migratory birds may be affected when the four lane elevated freeway was built across, not only the Waterways wetlands but also Woodlands and Braeside wetlands. According to the Parsons Brinckerhoff report to VicRoads Lathams Snipe, a migratory bird will be affected. A meeting 6th February heard speakers from RMIT, Dr Ian Woodcock and Crystal Legacy, Traffic Planners describe how freeways are consuming the suburbs, rather than building more public transport. The VicRoads team also spoke at this RAMPF meeting at Dingley as did two speakers from Environment Victoria.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st November 2017

Groves Reserve

Three MBCL members met with the Local Member to discuss the potential threat to the Banksia Woodland as a result of the SES being offered use of the site for a replacement depot. The current Scope building is situated on Crown land. Both VicRail and VicRoad own strips of land on either side of this building. It is thought that the building could be reconfigured to accommodate both the Scope building and the SES. There may be a scar three on Groves Reserve.

Dent’s Paddock

VCAT was not happy with the extent of vegetation which would be removed if the development of 14 units went ahead on this lovely little piece of bushland at Edithvale – a suburb short of open space. Land is in limbo at present Local residents would like Council to buy the land for open space as has been done where two house blocks were bought for that purpose.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th October 2017

Mordialloc Bypass

Five members of VicRoads attended the October meeting plus two members of the Braeside Park Committee.This commenced at 3pm and was a robust discussion. The 9km stretch of four lane freeway (with provision for two extra lanes later) runs adjacent to the Braeside Park boundary and encroaches on the South West corner of the park before crossing Governor Road and entering the wetlands to an elevated road. There is significant vegetation in this section. Passing in close proximity to the Waterways Residential estate as an elevated roadway will create noise issues requiring sound barriers adding to the visual impact. The elevated road will cross the Mordialloc Creek and passover Aspendale Gardens homes before joining Springvale Road.

The meeting concluded at 4pm. Since then there has been an invitation to walk a section of the route with the VicRoads people at a date still to be decided.

Coast and Creek Booklet

The Coast and Creek booklet has been printed and copies have been placed at the front desk of the Council Chambers with Kingston Council’s approval. It is planned to place some in the Parkdale Library and in some schools if they are interested. There is some concern about the Mornington Peninsula Freeway crossing Mordialloc Creek because of disturbance of acid sulphate soil that will occur during construction work with pollution entering the creek.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th September 2017

Coast and Creek Booklet

The booklet has been printed and is available for perusal! It is Planned ot place some booklets in the local library and with Council. We are indebted to the graphic artist who took some marvellous photos of plants and bird life along the foreshore and Mordialloc Creek. We are also indebted to Melbourne Water whose earlier grants helped to cover the cost of printing.

Bay Trail

Bicycle Network have approved the compromise proposal for the Bay Trail. There will be areas where Beach Road lanes will be narrowed to protect significant vegetation. From Mentone Parade to Peter Scullin Reserve, Mordialloc the lanes will be narrowed where there are bus stops or difficult parking problems on the narrow foreshore such as at Parkdale Yacht Club.

Kingswood Golf Club

The Kingswood Golf Club is under treat from developers. The Kingswood Golf Club is facing residential development rather than open space which is what the Dingley residents were hoping for. A certain person mentioned at the lobster luncheon at Beaumaris is seeking permission to develop land in the green wedge in Keysborough. The large cemetery is still a threat hanging over this section of the South East Green Wedge.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd August 2017

Coast and Creek Booklet

The coast and creek booklet may finally be at the printers thanks to the terrific work of Mick and eagle-eyed editors! There was some discussion about asking for a gold coin donation for the booklet. There were differing opinions but on some occasions such as street stalls or community events this might be appropriate.

Bay Trail

The new newspaper on the block, the Mordialloc Chronicle, features tree pages of “advertisements” of the disinformation about the next section of the Bay Trail from the Mentone Lifesaving Club to Peter Scullin Reserve. For example the ad claims that Beach Road will be narrowed from Renninson Street to the Scullin Reserve. Not True.

Level Crossing Removal

There will be 8 community sessions to decide on work to remove the rail crossings, Edithvale to Seaford. Seaford residents are angry about the closure of Ell Race Road when it is claimed that there are feasible alternatives to the closure. There is also the threat to groundwater and the wetlands should the trench method be adopted for this section of the Frankston line.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd May 2017

Bay Trail

As a result of the Member for Mordialloc’s complaint that there had been insufficient consultation about the trail, two MBCL members had a meeting with the member who could not be convinced that there had been sufficient consultation. Council organised two more drop in meetings about the Bay Trail in May. Meanwhile inflammatory misinformation about lane narrowing was still being disseminated by certain residents.
Latest plans for the Bay Trail were presented at the Public Places and Environment meeting in May and were impressive. The bicycle lane, back of kerb, will only be 2.5m wide, similar to the Bayside Bay Trail. VicRoads have approved narrowing the road lane where necessary such at bus stops.

Stormwater Management

Kingston Council has prepared Amendment C152 to introduce a policy for developments that deals with stormwater – residential or non-residential. This may be necessary because an article in The AGE 23 May, reports that climate change flood risks has doubled in new modelling which states that “Coastal council are at the forefront of dealing with the impacts especially councils such as Seaford, Carrum, Bonbeach and Aspendale”.

Level Crossing Removal

Edithvale rail under road. This option has been approved. Residents opposed to elevated rail option. Unfortunately the high water table will have to be dealt with. A Preliminary Impact Assessment: Groundwater-Rail Under Road AECOM-GHD has identified potential groundwater impacts on the Ramsar listed Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands as a result of the rail under road approach adopted for Edithvale and Bonbeach level crossing removals.

Some of these imparts are:

  • Long term groundwater level impacts (drawdown, mounding, and water logging)
  • Subsidence impacts
  • ASS acid sulphate activation
  • Saline intrusion

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th April 2017

Coast and Creek Booklet

Mordialloc Creek features in the Coast and Creek booklet which is developing in an interesting manner. It is hoped that the graphic artist will be able to attend the May meeting of MBCL. Furthermore an attendee at the April meeting is a keen bird watcher so he might be able to add further info in that area.

Level Crossing Removal

There is an official report around which claims that the Edithvale-Seaford Wetland’s groundwater will be badly affected if the trench method of removing rail crossings is adopted for the Frankston line south of Aspendale. This would mean trenches for Edithvale and Bonbeach stations and a bridge over Patterson River for Carrum plus a relocation of the Carrum Station further along the line.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 8th March 2017

Coast and Creek Booklet

The layout of the booklet is finally taking shape with the graphic artist keen to view any photos of the creek or the foreshore providing there are clouds in view!

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Residents do not want an extension to the car park since they feel that there will be antisocial behaviour after hours if the park is extended. Certain councillors are also uncertain about extending this facility mainly favouring parents dropping off and picking up school children. There is a bus stop nearby on Wells Road.

The Sporting Globe

The mediation meeting was held at VCAT in February. No agreement between parties so this development will go to VCAT in March. The only concession made was reduction in the size of the sign on the front of the building.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd November 2016

Coast and Creek Booklet

Bron kindly volunteered to check text and layout of booklet before forwarding it to the graphic artist for assembly.

Brighton Lifesaving Club

Both Nina and Mary have sent objections regarding a large extension to the Lifesaving Club on the foreshore at Dendy Street, Brighton. While a café is included in the development it is claimed that it will not have a commercial kitchen which would have suggested a public commercial facility. It is debatable whether a café on site is required for lifesavers. However the size and design of the building does not appear to conform to requirements as set out in the Victorian Coastal Strategy for structures on the foreshore. Eg “Discourage the use of coastal Crown Land as a cheap alternative to private land for commercial gain through the inclusion of an 158 seat licensed multi-purpose space and 60 seat restaurant with room for 100 people.”

Masonic Hall

Nina reports that there have been five Expressions of Interests received but proposals do not match criteria mainly financial. Officer response to proposals in a few weeks time.

Successful bidder will be responsible for 15 year lease and all refurbishments.

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