Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th August 2024


MBCL Files
Emily Boucher is organizing the remaining documents to go to the Council Depot to be offered to Melbourne Water and Parks Victoria

Kingston Council Update including Foreshore & Bushland

Team Leader Bushland & Foreshore Paul Sandells attended and reported to us. He is on a short term contract until the end of the year. He recently worked on Phillip Island as Chief Operations Officer working with and educating the Community. Worked with local indigenous groups.
Spoke highly of his new team. Impressed by the recent plant give away and the Gardens for Wildlife Program. National Tree Day saw a lot of planting by community groups.

  • Draft of Biodiversity Strategy to be released in September. Opportunity to get the big picture.
  • Open space management needs to go beyond Council.
  • Environment Education Centre to be developed by 2029.
  • Three golf courses are to be supported in their biodiversity.
  • Hopes that the Horticulture team will provide proper care for remnant vegetation.
  • Are Environmental Management Plans needed for recreational reserves? Many reserves are multifunctional and therefore many interest groups.
  • Wild life cameras in Bradshaw Bushland Reserves are being rotated to gain a better snapshot.
  • Team leaders are Rachel Devlin (Bushland) and Luke Kapatini (Foreshore)
  • Wayne asked about the plantings on Lambert Island
  • Penny’s concerns about tree planting at foreshore car parks was raised
  • Travis was concerned about Avian Bird Flu. Is there a plan of action if affected birds are seen?

Coast & Creek Booklet

Mick presented the revised edition, which is now 20 pages. Sent through a PDF. Another meeting required to fine tune.

Level Crossing Removal Project – Mordialloc Railway precinct

Judy and Bron attended information session. Several members have applied to go on the Mordialloc Stake Holder Liasson Group.
We bought up issues such as Groves Reserve, closing of Bear St and traffic congestion.

Council Meeting Agenda/ Outcomes

The council will fund an independent environmental assessment for Rossdale Golf Club.

Reports from Groups

There were no reports from groups due to having two guests.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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