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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th August 2024


MBCL Files
Emily Boucher is organizing the remaining documents to go to the Council Depot to be offered to Melbourne Water and Parks Victoria

Kingston Council Update including Foreshore & Bushland

Team Leader Bushland & Foreshore Paul Sandells attended and reported to us. He is on a short term contract until the end of the year. He recently worked on Phillip Island as Chief Operations Officer working with and educating the Community. Worked with local indigenous groups.
Spoke highly of his new team. Impressed by the recent plant give away and the Gardens for Wildlife Program. National Tree Day saw a lot of planting by community groups.

  • Draft of Biodiversity Strategy to be released in September. Opportunity to get the big picture.
  • Open space management needs to go beyond Council.
  • Environment Education Centre to be developed by 2029.
  • Three golf courses are to be supported in their biodiversity.
  • Hopes that the Horticulture team will provide proper care for remnant vegetation.
  • Are Environmental Management Plans needed for recreational reserves? Many reserves are multifunctional and therefore many interest groups.
  • Wild life cameras in Bradshaw Bushland Reserves are being rotated to gain a better snapshot.
  • Team leaders are Rachel Devlin (Bushland) and Luke Kapatini (Foreshore)
  • Wayne asked about the plantings on Lambert Island
  • Penny’s concerns about tree planting at foreshore car parks was raised
  • Travis was concerned about Avian Bird Flu. Is there a plan of action if affected birds are seen?

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th June 2024


MBCL Files
A group of us met and started to sort.
Wayne took maps, a shoe box of photos and a photo album of the Creek. He plans to scan them.
Travis took Minutes dating back to 1966, A3 file on the Creek, submissions and the 1972 LP gas pipeline protests.
Peter Radcliff (President of Mordialloc Historical Society) – Photo of Stantons.
Council reps (Paula and Monica) attended pre meeting and were interested in the older minutes which Mary Anne miraculously found.
Judy will reconnect with Council Heritage group.

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Team Leader Bushland & Foreshore Paul Sandells has offered to speak to us at this Wednesday’s meeting. Also he may bring along one of the three Conservation Officers.
Tarella Rd/ Dents Paddock has been renamed to Woolepe Bushland Reserve – provided by the Bunurong Land Council meaning Tea-tree.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st May 2024


MBCL Files
Mary’s family have requested that we assist sorting out her extensive files. Will organize access and meet at her place to start the process

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Spoken to Emily Boucher, Steve Sadler will send us a report, and we can invite to our meeting.
See report from Engineer (Council)
Hutchins Close Mordialloc shared path reconstruction – report from Engineer (Council) that the 2nd stage will be a concrete path along the Doug Denyer Reserve side of Hall Mark Rd
Tarella Rd/ Dents Paddock has been renamed to Woolepe Bushland Reserve

Parkdale and the Mordialloc Railway precincts

Concerns were raised about equipment for railway works has been parked on a sensitive area. It was made clear to the Friends of Bradshaw Bushland Reserve and Environment and Open Spaces Strategic Advisory Committee that the vegetation along the railway track on the reserves back fence would be protected. It has apparently been fenced off. It is still under threat and damage has been caused by drainage works.
Canary Island Palms have been set aside from Parkdale Station Precinct to be planted in the new station’s forecourt. This was negotiated by Council with LXRP as a nod to the planting scheme of the original station.
Design plans for Mordialloc Railway precinct to be released shortly.
Discussion on development of multi-story dwellings along the Suburban Rail Loop.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 10th April 2024


A letter from Mayor Jenna Davey-Burns was letterboxed in our area voicing her concerns regarding Level Crossing Removals in Mordialloc/Aspendale.

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Due to staff changes all future reports will be coming through Environment and Open Spaces (EOSAC). Judy to contact Emily Boucher.

Parkdale and the Mordialloc Railway precincts

What is happening behind Bradshaw Bushland Reserve? Tractors and other equipment is parked along the railway line. Has the remnant vegetation that David Bainbridge has been caring for been damaged?
Concern expressed about the return of Canary Island Palms to the Parkdale Station precinct.
Is a consultative group to be formed to advise LXRA on the next stage of level crossing removals? Keep a look out please.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th March 2024

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Bushland and Foreshore

  • Finalising recruitment for
      • Team leader role, whilst former leader acts in another Council role.
      • My backfill whilst I take some long service leave,
      • Fulltime Foreshore Coordinator
  • We are still on schedule to roll the Draft Biodiversity Strategy out for community consultation in May.
  • We have locked in 4 x Free Plant give away dates in May. These will be released publicly shortly.

Conservation Projects Update:

  • New Conservation e-newsletter about to launch which will cover upcoming events, highlights, stories and information on all things conservation and environment in Kingston.
    Please keep an eye out for the subscription link arriving in in your inbox in the next few days. Link also in my signature below.
  • Media posts on Bradshaw habitat project with wildlife photos is Kingston most viewed post. Had over 1000 views on the first day. The attached 3 photos are hot of the press.

The rest of our wildlife cameras will now be redistributed to each of our crews to use across all conservation reserves to collect data on local fauna species.

On 3rd March, Clean Up Australia Day council hosted 3 events across bushland and foreshore:

  • 1 at Mordialloc Creek had 20 volunteers.
  • 1 on the foreshore north that had a dozen volunteers, including Mayor Davey-Burns
  • 1 on the foreshore south for the Sant Nirankari Mission who teamed up with the Aspendale Beach Patrol totalling 140 volunteers.
  • A combined total of approx. 100 kg of litter.

Representative to attend quarterly.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th February 2024

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Representative to attend quarterly.
Question for Council Rep. Are the trees planted new or replacement/new?

Mordialloc Railway precinct

On the agenda for Environment and Open Spaces Strategic Advisory Committee this Thursday 8th
Questions – Could the access to Station St be built be designed to go where SCOPE is now? And therefore save Groves Reserve.
What trees are going to be replaced along Como Pd, Parkdale?
Where is the bike path going?

Aquatic Centre

Nina is concerned about night lighting and its effect on wildlife. Is there anything we can do to help her?

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th December 2023


Sonya Kilkenny re Rossdale Golf Course

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

Urban Forest Strategy Update

  • Planting completed -4178 trees planted. For example- Chadwick Park, Elder St Park – direct seeding of native grasses on a large scale, Peter Scullin Reserve, Amaroo Drive and Boundary Rd shared path.
  • Target is 8350 trees over 2 years

Biodiversity Strategy

  • Looking for sites identified as being suitable to improve biodiversity. Draft document in New Year.
  • Golf courses have been looked at for their biodiversity.
  • Nina asked how can you report Fauna. ‘ I naturalist’. Victorian Biodiversity Atlas. Refer ‘Gardens for Wildlife’
  • Council are working on a monthly newsletter to inform and encourage volunteers.

Foreshore Update

  • Carrum Lifesaving Club officially opened.
  • Carrum Foreshore boardwalk completed.
  • Dredging works are happening at Mordialloc Creek mouth.
  • Work by DEECA further up the Creek next year. Estimate – $5.5 million
  • Question from Mary regarding the clearing of an area near Parkdale Yacht Club.
  • A boardwalk from the carpark to the beach in Parkdale, is to be built for easier access. The existing ramp will be revegetated.
  • Discussion re Canary Island Palms as a invasive weed.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 1st November 2023


Mayor letter regarding Council Budget

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

No report

Mordialloc Railway Precinct

SCOPE – will it be moved?
Threat to Groves Reserve is real.

Reports from Groups

Green Wedge Coalition
Green Wedge Management Plan. Lots of confusion over maps

State Government have approved the development of Kingswood Golf Course.
Rossdale Golf club now under threat. Even though it is not part of the Green Wedge it is under threat from future inundation. Letter to be sent to Planning Minister.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th October 2023

Guest Speaker – Jenny Warfe

Jenny is the Secretary of Port Phillip Conservation Council and recently spoke at the Liveable Victoria Forum organised by Kelvin Thomson. Below are major points of her presentation.
Jenny outlined the history of Port Phillip Conservation Council. They were part of the protest movement against the oil pipeline in 1970 and in 1972 the ethane pipeline. Victory in 1970 but not successful in 1972.
Port Phillip has a catchment area of 10,000 sq kms. The Planning Scheme needs to take into account the importance of the Bay and the Marine & Coastal Policy.
Spoke on STOP the Great Wall of Frankston.
In 2000 Frankston Council set a mandatory height limit of 20 metres. Now have a height limit that preferences developers . A 3 storey DDO until October was put in place. To reconvened to VCAT in November. Talked about the overshadowing of the existing 8 storey SE Water building.
The proposed development is to be built on the lower part of the Carrum Carrum Swamp. Plan even includes an underground carpark 1.5 m above ground water.
Refer – The KOMPAS report 2022
Rights have been whittled away since 2009 – the Major Transport Facilitator Act can override most ‘Protection Acts’
Living in the suburbs in 2050 – an extra 3.1million in Melbourne mainly through migration equals 1million more homes. The Government is actively promoting Melbourne.
Annual General Meeting concluded and it was decided that MBCL join PPCC as a group.

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Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th September 2023


In – Park Watch and other magazines

Kingston Council Update (Foreshore & Bushland)

  • DEECA – Coastal Adaptation- funding for Climate Change Impacts. Kingston has been funded for up to 4 stages in the process of mitigation.
  • Travis questioned on removal of trees at Yammerbook.
  • Canterbury Rd development. Plant rescue of remnant vegetation or protection?
  • This is near the planned Mordialloc Creek Wetlands. Was it assessed in 2017?
  • Tanie – DEECA Grant to manage the peri urban weeds. Sites at Bonbeach and Carrum and 2 along the creek. In partnership with Bunurong Land Management Council.
  • Aim to improve community engagement through social media, Council website and delivered publications.
  • Nesting boxes and cameras have been installed in Bradshaw Bushland Reserve.
  • Planning and promoting lots of events such as The Grange Wedding Bush Festival (14/10), Keely Park Spring Fair (21/10), Backyard Bird Count during October. Kingston Bio Blitz 23 (Use inaturalist app).
  • Concerns were raised over LXR Mordialloc and the loss of vegetation along existing rail line.

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